Our goals in youth ministry is for students to experience a relationship with Jesus within a safe and fun environment, while empowering them to live that faith out in service to themselves and others. We strive to create a community where students and their families can connect with God and each other.
Youth Group
Youth Group meets Wednesday nights from 6-8 pm. It is for students in grades 6-12. The night consists of fun, games, food, friendship, and digging into the Bible. We will also go on retreats, service projects, mission trips, lock outs, and so much more. For more information contact Jimmy Dykstra.
Every year we will take the youth to a different part of the country to serve others. This year the youth will be going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. They will have the opportunity to help others in need, and see the struggles of some in Appalachia. These trips let the youth get a bigger perspective, worship God, and care for others.
Mission Trip
Camp Crestfield
Camp Crestfield is an opportunity for the youth to get away from it all and spend a week of fun and worship with others in the community. It is a transformational time to worship God and build relationship with others. Students in 3rd-12th grade are welcome to join us for an amazing week!
Confirmation Class
Confirmation is a time for young people to explore their faith in God, or to begin to take on Christian faith for themselves–a time to learn what it means to be a member of a church. It is a time for questions, exploring, listening for God, and a time for growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. Plus, it’s a time for friendship and fun as we journey together. The group meets on Sunday after worship.
The sessions are taught by Pastor Matt. During our time together, the class explores the Trinity, Grace, Prayer, Mission, what it means to be a church and more. The class travels to other churches to experience worship in other denominations and cultures. We celebrate our class by writing a statement of faith at the end of the process.