Mount Vernon’s music ministry prides itself on community, in that the members of the different worship teams come from many different backgrounds and have varying musical talents. The Bell Choir and Chancel Choir lead worship many times throughout the year and during the major holidays. They do not meet during the summer where instead worship is led by soloists and small groups. If you have any interest in joining or helping lead in worship contact Philip.
Corporate Worship
On a weekly basis worship is a combination of traditional and contemporary music. This blended worship style fits well with the community of believers at Mount Vernon.
During an average service Philip will lead a few songs while being accompanied by Mark Neff on piano. A group, whether it be the Bell Choir or Chancel Choir, will lead two songs and then service will end with a well known hymn and a sung benediction.
Bell Choir
At Mount Vernon we are blessed with a vibrant 2-3 octave bell choir that leads worship on a monthly basis. The bell choir meets weekly for a rambunctious and fun practice led by Julie Squires. Recently the Bell Choir has led worship with arrangements of “Give Thanks,” “Amazing Grace,” and “A Prayer of Thanksgiving.”
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir at Mount Vernon is a four-part choir that leads various parts of our weekly worship service usually with 2-4 songs a month. The hour-long practices are filled with “Fun Phil Facts” and free coffee. The choir meets an hour before church to fellowship and rehearse music for upcoming services. Our accompanist Mark Neff assists the choir with both organ and piano accompaniment on any given Sunday. Recently the Chancel Choir has led worship with arrangements of “Redeemer,” “Set Me As A Seal,” and “Great is Our Joy.”
Summer Worship
During the summer months when worship is held outside the worship ministry opens up to allow for soloists and small groups to help lead special music. These groups or soloists can be instrumental, vocal, or any combination. The groups lead worship with one or two songs and can assist with corporate worship as well.